
Welcome to the official ray=out web-blog.

I’ve set-up this web-blog for anime fans, the community and general audience to communicate with us on a more public and somewhat anonymous level. Previously, you could only do so via IRC or Facebook. If you have commented on a web-site using WordPress in the past, you can continue to use that e-mail and user-name information, however if you are new, feel free to register with us so that you can leave a comment.

The aim of this web-blog is to provide more information for any special announcements, projects, initiatives, give-aways (though, this is usually exclusive to Facebook), and more that we are planning or will be launching in the near future. We hope we can garner a community that can support and help us in any form.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or just prefer to contact us privately, you can do so by e-mailing us at rayoutfansubs @ gmail.com. You can also use the form on the contact page for easier access.